5 Things I Would NEVER Do As A Dentist

We all have habits that we need to break. Unfortunately, some habits or poor oral health choices can have severe and lasting consequences for your teeth. I recently had the opportunity to share 5 things I would never do as a dentist on my social media pages. I think this information is so important that I wanted to share it with you as well, in case you missed the posts. Click here to watch the short video and learn more.

Spring Cleaning Your Teeth – The Importance Of Regular Dental Care

Although Cincinnati had one of the warmest winters to date, we could not be happier that spring has arrived. Many people love the spring because they take advantage of the popular term “spring cleaning” and make an attempt to refresh the inside and outside of their home. Several in-depth and lengthy cleaning and organization tasks are added to the list to be sure that your home is ready to enjoy this summer. Your home is not the only area in your life that can benefit from “spring cleaning”. Your teeth can benefit as well. Regular dental care is a must to ensure that your oral health is in the best possible shape.

We Love Our Patients!

Patients, like you, are the heart of my practice. I am thankful every day that I am able to serve, help, and improve the lives of my patients. Whether you are a regular patient or it has been awhile since your last visit, I want to help you get the dental care you need. If you have a friend or loved one who would be interested in learning more about my practice and what makes it unique, be sure to forward them this email. It warms my heart when my beloved patients want to refer their friends and family because they are so pleased with the level of care my team and I provide to those under our care. Continue reading to learn more about what makes my practice so special.

We Are Grateful For Patients Like You

Patients like you are the heart of our practice. Our goal is to help each of our patients achieve a comprehensively healthy mouth by providing the highest level of dental care and exceptional service. We are thankful every day that we are able to serve, help, and improve the lives of our patients like you. It means the world to us when our patients share their experiences. Continue reading for a review from one of our patients and learn more about what we feel makes our practice so special.