I would only want to see a healthcare provider who was offering the best, and that’s what my patients deserve. In the last ten years, the number of treatment options available to patients has exploded — from digital dentistry to the use of lasers and everything in between. I make it my mission to be aware of and well trained in the most advanced, effective treatments and confidently deliver them to my patients.

Meet Dr. Bartish

Velle Dental is a well-respected practice because of one very special person, Dr. Bartish. He has created an office with devoted, experienced, and compassionate team members who truly care about the oral and overall health of the patients who visit Velle Dental. Dr. Bartish believes that every patient’s oral health requires a customized approach and detailed care. He is unique in that he doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach to dentistry. He believes that each person deserves to have healthy teeth that they love to show off.

Learn About Dental Implants

If you or a loved one has experienced tooth loss and are struggling to choose a tooth replacement option, we are happy to help. Not only can it be emotional when you’re dealing with dental health issues, but it can be overwhelming to make the right choice. We are also happy to help any patient who has a current tooth replacement option, such as dentures and is looking for a more permanent solution. We often see patients who are frustrated with the discomfort from their dentures, the fact that they slip, and the difficulty they experience when eating. One treatment we often recommend to our patients who are looking for an alternative to dentures is dental implants. Continue reading to learn about this remarkable treatment and why it can be more beneficial than other options.

The Difference Between Direct-to-Consumer Clear Aligners And Professional Clear Aligners

For many years, we have relied heavily on the ability to receive most items we need with the click of a button on our phone or computer, and our items are delivered to us without needing to leave the house. This is so convenient, especially with a busy schedule. That being said, there are certain circumstances when it’s best to steer clear of the online service and visit a professional. Dr. Bartish and his patient concierge Maria recently sat down to discuss the difference between direct-to-consumer clear aligners and professional clear aligners. Be sure to click and watch the interesting short video above to learn more.